Heat Conduction
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Air Flow and Thermodynamics
Heat Conduction: Computer Interface
The unit consists of two parts: a multi section bar for linear heat conduction studies, and a metal disc for radial heat conduction studies.
- Linear Heat Conduction Unit.
- The unit has 3 sections which can be pressed tightly together. The first section is for heat input where a heater and three temperature sensors at 10 mm interval are installed. The center section has two temperature sensors at 20 mm interval. The last section is a heat sink section where cooling water and three temperature sensors at 10 mm interval are installed.
- The center section may be removed and replaced with a smaller heat conduction section or a different heat conduction material. Both replaced sections are without temperature sensors. Matching surfaces of the heat conduction section are accurately finished to minimize conduction resistance and a heat conducting compound may be applied to further reduce resistance. Thermal conductivity of an insulation material can be determined by inserting a thin insulating disc between two heat conduction surfaces.
- Radial Heat Conduction Unit.
- The unit consists of a brass disc heated at the center by a heater with cooling water circulating around the periphery. Six temperature sensors are placed along a radius.
- The metallic parts of both linear and radial heat conduction units are effectively insulated inside plastic casings.
- A service module provides power supply, heater control unit, and measuring instruments.
- The test unit requires outside water supply for cooling.
Instruction manual is also included.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTS- Heat conduction along a simple bar.
- Heat conduction along a composite bar.
- Effect of cross section area.
- Radial heat conduction.
- Effect of surface contact.
- Effect of insulation.
TECHNICAL DATALinear heat conduction: – Heating section Brass with temperature sensors – Center section different diameter for brass and stainless steel. – Cooling section Brass with temperature sensors Radial heat conduction Brass with temperature sensors Heaters 2 ea. 120W with dimmer switches Sensors with digital display - Voltage and current for input power measurement
- Temperatures
Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). Power supply 220 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request. (0 reviews) - Linear Heat Conduction Unit.