Compact Series and Parallel Pump Test Set – Multi Speed

This is a self-contained bench top unit for studying the series and parallel pump characteristics at three different speeds.

The unit consists of two centrifugal pumps with multi speed motors and a storage tank on a steel base, and measuring instruments. By manipulating flow control valves, each pump can be operated individually or both pumps connected in series or parallel.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Flow rate vs head at various speeds for individual pump.
  • Flow rate vs head at a fixed speed for two pumps connected in series or parallel.
Pump ratings
 – Speed 3 different speeds.
 – Maximum flow rate Approx. 70 Lpm
 – Maximum head Approx. 7 m. water
Measuring instruments:
 – Flow rate Water meter and stop watch
 – Pressures Pressure gauges at pump suction and discharge
Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied).
Power supply 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request.
In Stock
100% Original and quality

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