Yaskawa Smart Pendant

Radically Change the Way a Robot is Programmed

Ideal for all robot users, novice and experience, the easy-to-use touchscreen Smart Pendant simplifies INFORM programming for easy-to-understand operation and fast implementation of the robot system. The Smart Pendant’s intuitive Human Machine Interface (HMI) adapts to the programmer’s style, and the built-in Smart Frame feature allows the robot to adapt to the operator’s position, eliminating the utilization of coordinate frames and allowing for easy robot jogging. Smart Pendant is included with all Smart Series robots.

  • Fast, simple learning curve
  • Easy troubleshooting and error recovery
  • Easy-to-understand operation; intuitive format
  • Simplified INFORM programming supports powerful controller functionality
Smart Pendant Specifications
Dimensions 215 (W) x 283 (H) x 68.5 (D) mm
8.5” (W) x 11.1” (H) x 2.7” (D)
Pendant Display 10.1” WXGA TFT Display
1280 x 800 pixels
LED back light touch panel
Pendant Weight 1.12 kg / 2.5 lbs
In Stock
100% Original and quality

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