Showing 10–18 of 29 results
Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
ARM Design and Experiment Board
The ARM9 is an electronics development board with the add-on ARM9 board. ARM is the industry’s leading provider of 32-bit embedded RISC microprocessors, offering a wide range of processors based on a common architecture and delivering high performance together with low power consumption and system cost.
The ARM9 provides a learning platform for this important RISC Microprocessor. With an easy to use operational systems and development process, simply enter commands directly into the CPU.
Key Features
- Supports Samsung S3C24C10 x 32 bit Microprocessor
- Use Xilinx Spartan-3E FPGA
- Connection to PC via RS-232
- Downloadable NOR Flash programming for stand-alone operation
- Modular design for easily changeable CPU boards
- JTAG Interface
- Logic Analyser Interface
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Basic Electricity Trainer
The basic electricity trainer can be used to develop the student’s abilities and teach basic electrical circuits such as series and parallel circuits, electromagnet induction, coil behaviour with AC and DC circuits, diode and transistor characteristics etc. This simple training kit provides a strong operation for future studies in electrical or electronics.
- Resistances individually, as well as in series and in parallel connections
- Ohm’s law mathematical relationship between three variables; voltage (V), current (I) and resistance (R).
- The behaviour of current when light bulbs are connected in a series/parallel circuit.
- Kirchhoff’s Law for electrical circuits
- R-C circuit and the behaviour of a capacitor in an R-C network and phase shift due to capacitor.
- The L-C circuit and its oscillations
- The characteristics of a semiconductor diode
- The characteristics of a transistor.
- Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction
- The behaviour of current when inductance is introduced in the circuit.
- Lenz’s Law and effect of eddy current.
- The relay and constructing a switching circuit by using a relay.
- The Oersted experiment
- The phenomenon of mutual induction.
- Construction and study of the step down transformer with the help of coils and cores.
- Construction and study of the step up transformer.
- The effects of moving I core on a step up transformer
- Conversion of a galvanometer into voltmeter.
- Conversion of a galvanometer into ammeter.
- The Hysteresis curve.
Key Features
- Stand Alone Operation
- Includes all the Basic Electrical fundamentals
- Solderless connections
- Complete set of coils and cores to understand the Basics of Electro magnetic induction and Transformer
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Control System Trainer
The Control System Trainer (CST) is designed for the study of digital and analogue control engineering using fundamental control theory with simple direct connections or the use of programming software. The CST can be used to carry out the various experiments using the elements and breadboard to design a control application to a specification. Simple or complex experiments are possible by linking the range of devices and sensors on the CST.
The CST has two main project areas and a range of digital logic building blocks with a prototyping area. The first project area has a D.C. motor, for speed and direction control combined with a heater for temperature control. Consisting of a 5V dc motor; this is used in a closed-loop to drive a fan that cools a heater to a set temperature or can be used to break an infra-red beam for speed control. The second, main project area is a light control system; a controller is required to maintain a set luminance when an external interference from a second lamp is introduced, it uses two light sources, one source of light and one source of light disturbance.
There are a variety of projects to undertake using the range of sensors and devices on the CST. These elements are a bread board area, voltage to frequency converter, light dependant resistor (LDR), a de-bounced switch, a tilt switch, Piezo buzzer, TTL monitor, a bank of logic switches, a logic probe and a clock source. Headers that accept standard solid core wires are used to connect each element of the CST. Connection to a PC is possible using a suitable interface card through digital and analogue connections.
- Generic courseware for the CST
- Generate digital outputs
- Read in digital inputs
- Read in digital inputs on port B and output them on port A
- Sound Piezo buzzer when CST is tilted
- Pulse an output at a rate specified by user
- Sense closure of the de-bounced switch and keep a count of the occurrences
- Sense closure of the de-bounced switch and keep a count of the occurrences over a specified time interval
- Count input pulses from the clock generator, via a timer/counter channel
- Implement software generated PWM signal
- Implement hardware generated PWM signal using two timer/counter channels and clock generator
- Implement hardware generated PWM signal using two timer/counter channels and user input
- Generate an analogue voltage in the range 0-5V
- Read an analogue voltage in the range 0-5V
- Generate triangular wave output
- Calibrate the LDR circuit in the light control box
Key Features
- Building control circuits and PC control programming
- Introduces electronic control techniques
- Bread board area allows expansion of project ideas
- Control of a D.C. motor for temperature, speed and direction control
- Light control system
- Seven other projects with varying complexity
- Connection for control from a PC using program development software
- Comprehensive labworks for control circuits and programming software
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
CPLD/FPGA Digital Logic Circuit Design Experimental
In today’s environment CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Devices) and FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) are the first-choice components for the design of applications in the communication, industrial automation, image processing and extensive engine control areas. To allow users to have an exceptional experimental platform, the CPLD trainer has support for Altera or XILINX chips.
Key Features
- Supports ALTERA and XILINX chips
- Connection to PC through USB
- D/A and A/D Converters
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Digital Electronics Lab
The DL7211 is designed for experimentation with digital circuits. It is a self-contained trainer including DC power supplies, function generator, modulation generator, continuity tester, potentiometers and toggle switches. A breadboard is supplied with the unit to allow easy access for the students to connect and test various components without the hassle of soldering. A number of ready to use experiment circuit boards are available and fourteen boards are provided with the lab.
Experiments Boards:
- Logic Gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR and EX-OR
- Universal Gate – NAND/NOR Gate: NOT, AND, OR Gate Implementation
- EX-OR Gate Implementation
- Demorgan’s Theorem
- EX-OR Gate Application: Odd and Even Parity Generator, Binary word comparator
- Code Conversion: Binary to Gray and Gray to Binary
- Code Conversion: BCD to Excess-3 Code
- Binary Adder/Subtractor: 2 Bit Binary Half Adder, 3 Bit Binary Full Adder, 2 Bit Binary Half Subtractor, 2 Bit Binary Parallel Adder
- Encoder/Decoder: 8 to 3 Line Encoder, 3 to 8 Line Decoder
- Multiplexer/Demultiplexer: 4 to 1 Line Multiplexer, 1 to 4 Line Demultiplexer
- Flip-Flops: R-S, D, J-K, T Flip-Flops
- Shift Register: 4 Bit Serial In – Parallel Out
- 4 Bit Synchronous Binary Counter: Up Counter
- 4 Bit Binary Ripple Counter: UP/DOWN Counter
Key Features
- Solderless Breadboard
- On Board DC Power supply
- On Board Pulse Generator with TTL/CMOS mode
- Pulser switches, 8 bit data switches
- Bicolor LED display
- BCD to Seven Segment Display
- CMOS/TTL outputs
- Functional blocks indicated on board mimic
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Handheld Touch Screen Oscilloscope
The touch screen handheld oscilloscope is a compact and versatile instrument with a built in battery to allow easy portability. The Oscilloscope can be supplied in a range of bandwidths from 70 to 200MHz.
Key Features
- New Unique Design
- LCD Touch Screen Display
- 1GS/s Real Time Sample Rate
- 240kpts Memory Depth
- Bandwidth Ranges 70,100,150 and 200MHz
- 7.4V, 6,000mAh Li-ion built in battery
- USB Connectivity
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Magnetic Levitation System
The Magnetic Levitation System (MLS) is a classic control problem used in many practical applications such as transportation, magnetic levitated trains, using both analogue and digital solutions to maintain a metallic ball in an electromagnetic field. The MLS is a single Degree of Freedom system for teaching of control systems; signal analysis, using real-time control applications such as MATLAB.
The MLS is a nonlinear, open-loop unstable and time varying dynamical system. The basic principle of MLS operation is to apply the voltage to an electromagnet to keep a ferromagnetic object levitated. The object position is determined through a sensor. Additionally the coil current is measured to explore identification and multi loop or nonlinear control strategies.
Key Features
- Nonlinear control
- SISO, MISO, BIBO controllers design
- Closed loop PID control
- Real-Time control
- Frequency analysis
- Intelligent/adaptive control
- System model and identification procedures
- Hardware-in-the-loop
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Modular Servo Workshop
The Modular Servo Workshop (MSW) system has been designed for the study and practical application of basic and advanced control methods. These included typical variable factors such as friction, damping and inertia and a number of position/speed control methods ranging from PID to LQ and time-optimal control. The flexible design of the MLS allows the configuration of a system to be modified to suit user requirements.
The MSW has an integrated environment for the analysis of digital servo control problems and synthesis of control algorithms. The system comprises several hardware units, and software. The DC motor module can be coupled with several other modules by timing belts. A number of linear and nonlinear mechanical modules have been designed to show the influence of backslash, damping, elasticity and friction. The units may be studied individually before completing the system. The linear damping module consists of a paramagnetic disc which runs between the poles of the permanent magnet. The inertia module contains a solid metal roll. The encoder module is used to measure the rotational angle. A steel base plate provides firm fixing to the modules, enabling imitation of block schematic diagrams, however, all electrical connections are performed inside the software.
The system can be classified as multivariable (SIMO) with two measurable states and one control variable.
The MSW operates with a PC based digital controller that communicates with the position sensor and motor by an I/O board. The I/O board is controlled by the real-time software which operates with MATLAB/Simulink. A comprehensive range of experiments may be carried out using Modular Servo and associated software.
Key Features
• Laboratory model of servo system compound with different modules
• Modules to demonstrate: inertia, backslash, damping, elasticity and friction
• Multivariable SIMO
• Rapid prototyping of real-time control algorithms
• Full integration with MATLAB Simulink. Operation in real-time(0 reviews) -
Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Multi Application Board
The Multi Applications Board (MAB) contains a variety of experiments on one board and is ideal for learning how to interface a PC or Microcontroller to applications. The techniques of controlling data transmission, keyboard entry, digital sound production, D.C. motors, heaters, and visual displays can be controlled using a PC with a programming language, the MAB can also be used as target for a microcontroller. This involve the fundamentals of microprocessor or computer programming, such as decision making, D to A and A to D conversion, open and closed loop control, creating delay loops, using subroutines and event counting.
The MAB Primary components are: a 12V d.c. motor, this is used for closed-loop control to drive a fan which cools a heater/resistor to a set temperature. Several other elements are on the MAB these include a Piezo buzzer, TTL monitor, a bank of logic switches, a logic probe power point, a strain gauge and amplifier, a bar-graph and a seven segment display, switched faults and a potentiometer that can be used as an analogue input.
- Switched inputs
- Control of an output port
- Use of the Analogue to Digital Converter
- Use of the temperature sensor
- Digital to Analogue Converter
- Control of the buzzer frequency
- Driving the seven segment display unit
- Keypad scanning
- Pulse Width Modulation control of the DC motor unit
- Closed loop control of the DC motor unit
Key Features
- Building control circuits and PC control programming
- Introduces electronic control techniques
- Control of a D.C. motor, direction control
- Temperature control
- ADC and DAC converters
- Keypad input
- Audible and visual indictors
- Several other projects with varying complexity
- Control from a PC or Microcontroller
- Switched faults
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