Showing 1–9 of 12 results
Flow Measurement and Flow Study
Liquid Sedimentation Apparatus
The apparatus is designed to study the settling characteristics and particle sizes of suspended solid.
Five transparent glass sediment tubes are mounted vertically on a rigid frame. The rear panel is translucent with back lighting. Scales are provided on the tubes. The tubes can be removed for washing, filling or mixing of solid particles. Sedimentation rate is observed using a stopwatch.
Instruction manual is also included.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTS- Settling rate curve.
- Effect of particle size distribution.
- Effect of suspension height on sedimentation rates.
- Effect of concentration on sedimentation rate.
- Effect of flocculent.
TECHNICAL DATAGlass tubes 5 Stop watch 1 Beakers 3 Lamps 4 Specific gravity bottle 1 Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). Power supply 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request. (0 reviews) -
Turbine Test Set
Low Head Hydraulic Turbine Test Rig
This test facility was design and developed jointly with The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (five institutions). It is intended to simulate large hydro power plant discharge for end user in designing small low head turbines.
The test rig provides water flow as well as measuring instruments. Flow is generated by a centrifugal pump. A head tank in front of the test section is provided to simulate a static head and another tank is provided after the test section. Flow rate and head can be varied by an inverter. A flow control valve at the pump discharge and a flow control valve of the return line between pump discharge and pump suction are provided. A dynamometer at the test section measures the designed turbine output.
The equipment is supplied unassembled and to be erected and commissioned at site.
Instruction manual is also included.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTSThis is an ideal facility to simulate flow conditions of the actual site. The turbine input (flow rate and head) and output (speed and torque) can be accurately monitored. Thus, the most efficient prototype turbine can be designed, developed and tested.
TECHNICAL DATAPump ratings - Maximum flow rate 1300 m3/h
- Maximum head 15 m H2O
Circulating pipe 300 mm diameter Test section 300 mm diameter x 750 mm long Dynamometer Water brake absorber, 30 kW rating Head tank at upstream of test section 950 mm diameter x 3 m long Tail tank after test section 1430 mm diameter x 2.2 m long Sensors with digital display - Flow rate
- Turbine pressures at test section entrance and exit
- Speed
- Torque
Steel base frame with supports for tanks and pipings, test section platform with ladder. Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). Power supply 380V, 3Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request. (0 reviews) -
Turbine Test Set
Mini Hydro Power Plant
This is a self contained bench top unit for studying the power generation by a hydraulic turbine. The unit consist of a storage tank and a low head pump to simulate a dam reservoir, a cross flow hydraulic turbine, a generator which is connected to the turbine by a V-belt, a lamp load bank, a dynamometer, and measuring instrument.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTS- Turbine torque vs speed at various heads and flow rates.
- Mechanical power output vs speed for various heads and flow rates.
- Mechanical efficiency vs speed for a given head and flow rate.
- Electrical power output at various heads and flow rates.
- Overall power plant efficiency at various electrical loads.
TECHNICAL DATATurbine: – Type Cross Flow – Construction - 168 mm diameter stainless steel runner, shaft and nozzle.
- Stainless steel casing with transparent window.
– Ratings - 400 W of mechanical power.
- Maximum speed approx 1500 rpm.
Pump ratings – Motor 2.2 kW – Maximum flow rate 500 lpm. Generator - 0.75 kW, 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz.
- Electrical output upto 300 W.
Electrical load Lamp bank, 7 lamps, 400W. Dynamometer Water cooled stainless steel mechanical brake with anti splashing system. Measuring instruments – Torque Spring balance – Pressure Pressure gauge – Sensors with digital display - Electrical output power.
- Turbine and generator speeds.
- Flow rate.
Power supply 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request. (0 reviews) -
Flow Measurement and Flow Study
Open Channel and Closed Channel Flow
This is a floor standing open channel which can be quickly converted into a closed channel for studying both open and closed channel flow. It is to be used with HB100 Hydraulics Bench (separately supplied)
The channel has transparent side walls with tanks at both ends for supplying water to and receiving water from the channel. Each tank has a flow control valve to control flow and water level in the channel. The inlet tank has a stilling arrangement. A removable lid is placed on top of the open channel to convert it to a closed channel. The mid section of the channel bed is adjustable for demonstration of Bernoulli theorem in closed conduit flow.
Accessories and measuring instruments are provided for the flow study.
Instruction manual is also included.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTSOpen Channel Flow – Flow over sharp crested, broad crested and ogee weirs. – Flow under sluice gate. – Subcritical, critical and super critical flow. – Energy dissipation. – Hydraulic jump. Closed Channel Flow. – Bernoulli and continuity equations. – Measurement of static pressure and total pressure. – Calculation of flow velocity. TECHNICAL DATATest section width x depth x length 7.5 x 15 x 120 cm. Bed adjustment Up to 75 mm upward Measuring instruments – Manometer 1 set. – Pitot tubes 3 ea. Accessories – Sluice gates 2 ea. – Weirs 3 ea. – Bridge pier 1 ea. – Removable lid for closed channel conversion 1 ea. – Connecting hose 1 ea. Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). (0 reviews) -
Flow Measurement and Flow Study
Particle Drag Coefficients
The apparatus is designed to study the drag of a particle in a liquid under various Reynold numbers.
This is done by dropping a particle into a vertical liquid column and timing its fall between two points. Particle cross section is no more than 1% of the tube cross section. Various sizes and density of particles are supplied including stream lined shaped objects.
A guide at the top of the tube is provided to minimize disturbance to the liquid. Valves at the bottom of the tubes provide a mean for particle removal with minimum loss of the liquid. The rear panel is translucent with back lighting. This allows clear observation of the particle fall.
Instruction manual is also included.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTS- Measurement of drag coefficients of sphere under various Reynold numbers.
- Effect of particle shape on rate of fall and drag coefficient.
- Effect of boundary layer separation on motion of sphere.
- Exploration of dynamic similarity.
- Determination of viscosity.
TECHNICAL DATAGlass tubes 2 ea. Ball spheres 5 different diameters. Streamlined object 2 x stainless steel Lamp 2 Stop watch 1 Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). Power supply 220V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request. (0 reviews) -
Flow Measurement and Flow Study
Piping Loss Apparatus (Small)
This is a comprehensive unit for studying the friction losses in pipes, pipe fittings and valves at various flow rates.
All friction loss components are arranged on a water proof panel which is attached to a floor standing steel frame. The apparatus is to be used with a Hydraulics Bench (separately supplied) or an outside water supply.
The loss is measured by differential pressure using manometers and differential pressure gauge. Pressure tapping is by small ball valves with quick connection. All pressure taps are connected by flexible hoses to a set of specially arranged manifolds such that differential pressure across any component can be measured simply by opening valves without removing the hoses.
The unit is on a steel frame with adjustable footings.
Instruction manual is also included.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTS- Friction losses in straight pipes at various flow rates.
- Friction losses in pipe fittings, valves, sudden expansion and contraction at various flow rates.
TECHNICAL DATAFriction loss components: – Linear pipes, PVC 3 different diameters. – Short radius bends 2 ea. – Regular elbow 1 ea. – 45o elbows 2 ea. – Valves Gate, globe, ball, and check – Other components Tee section Sudden expansion Sudden contraction Measuring instruments – Water meter and stop watch. – Water manometer with hand air pump – Differential pressure gauge Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). (0 reviews) -
Flow Measurement and Flow Study
Piping Loss Test Set – Small
This is a self-contained unit for studying the friction loss in pipes, pipe fittings and valves at various flow rates.
The unit consists of a pump, a storage tank and a water proof panel on which all friction loss components are arranged.
The loss is measured by differential pressure using manometer and differential pressure gauge. Pressure tapping is by small ball valves with quick connection. All pressure taps are connected by flexible hoses to a set of specially arranged manifolds such that differential pressure across any component can be measured simply by opening valves without removing the hoses. The unit is on a steel frame on wheels.
Instruction manual is also included.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTS- Friction losses in straight pipes at various flow rates.
- Friction losses in pipe fittings, valves, sudden expansion and contraction at various flow rates.
TECHNICAL DATAFriction loss components – Linear pipes, PVC 3 different diameters. – Short radius bends 2 ea. – Regular elbow 1 ea. – 45o elbows 2 ea. – Valves Gate, globe, ball, and check – Other components Tee section, Sudden expansion Sudden contraction Measuring Instruments – Water meter and stop watch – Water manometer with hand air pump – Differential pressure gauge Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). Power supply 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request. (0 reviews) -
Mechanics of Fluids
Sediment Flow Channel: 600mm Wide
The channel is designed for studying the sediment transport and bed forms as well as flow phenomena without sediment. It is a service unit to be used with optional accessories and models. Instruction manual is also included.
Under Frame
The channel bed rests on twin I-beam under frame which ensures static loading deflections are kept to a minimum. The length of the I-beam is about 6 m Each section is shipped with glass side walls. This simplifies site installation as there are less joints and is easier to ensure straight side walls throughout the length. To ensure minimum deflection, the I beam base frame of 18 m is supported by a fulcrum at the middle and adjustable height support at both up stream and down stream ends for a total of 3 supports. The number of supports is 5 for 30 m channel length.Slope Adjustment
Each adjustable height support uses twin screws and with a system of worm and wheel gear boxes and miter gears which are intern driven by a motor. A slope scale is provided at one end of the flume.Channel Bed
The channel bed is made of stainless steel with twin screw holes of equal distance along the channel length to hold accessories or models to the flume bed when used as a normal tilting flow channel. These holes can also be used for pressure tapping points to measure pressure loss along the channel length.Side Walls
For safety reasons, the side walls are made of tempered glass. The walls are supported at interval by brackets with screws for vertical position adjustment.Instrument Carriage
Top rails made of stainless steel tubes are attached to the top angle on each wall of the channel. Screws supporting the rails can be adjusted to ensure uniform height and in a straight line. A scale graduated in mm. is attached along the full length of one top angle of the walls. The instrument carriage is manually operated.Head Tank
The head tank is made of stainless steel and its sides and bottom are curved to ensure smooth flow into the channel. Perforated plates are also provided in the head tank to further smoothen the flow.Sediment Feeder
The channel bed may be filled by a sediment feeder with a slope stopper upstream and another one just before sediment trap at the downstream end of the channel. Feeding is by a screw.Sediment Trap
A Sediment trap is provided at the down stream end of the channel. The trapped sediment can be discharged by a bottom value. The trap is covered when used as a normal flow channel.Storage Tank
An underground concrete storage tank is recommended as standard. This tank is to be built by the user. However, above ground tank is available at additional cost.Walkway
A steel walkway with a checker plate floor and side rails is provided on one side of the flume for ease of model installation and flow observations.Circulating Pump
The pump is ceramic coated to minimize wear by sediment abrasion. A mechanical seal is used. A geared butterfly valve is provided to control accurate rate of flow.Flow measurement
A flow digital display is used. In the case of an underground storage tank, a measuring tank with a calibrated weir is available as an option. The flow rate is controlled by a geared butterfly valve.Model and Accessories
In the case of no sediment, the channel may be used as a normal tilting flow channel. All accessories and models have side seals to ensure no water seep or leak through the sides of the models. A wide variety of models and accessories are available as an option.TYPICAL EXPERIMENTSAs Sediment Channel: – Fixed smooth bed flow. – Flow over mobile sand bed. – Flow structures. – Local scour. – Mechanics of sediment transport. – Bed form hysteresis. – Depositionary features and fancies. – Computational work. – Flow over fixed gravel bed. As Tilting Flow Channel: – Flow measurement. – Hydraulic jump. – Analysis of model structures. – Gauging structures. – Velocity profile. – Continuity and energy equations. – Similarity laws. – Roughened bed characteristics. – Surge propagation. TECHNICAL DATAChannel cross section 600 mm wide, 700 mm high Channel length 18 m (Optional: 12 m) Tilting adjustment -0.5 to 2% Side walls Tempered glass Channel bed Stainless steel Sediment feeder Motorized Sediment trap Stainless steel with cover and sediment recovery system Storage tank Underground tank to be provided by user. Aboveground tank is optional Head tank Stainless steel Sluice gate Stainless steel, rack and pinion type, built-in at downstream end of flume Flow measurement Flow digital display Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). Power supply 380 V, 3 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request. (0 reviews) -
Strength and Property of Materials
Thin Cylinder
This equipment is used for studying the stresses in a thin wall cylinder.
A thin wall aluminum alloy cylinder is mounted on a rigid steel frame. Internal pressure is applied to the cylinder by means of a hydraulic hand pump with oil reservoir. Pressure in the cylinder is indicated on a pressure gauge. A hand wheel is attached to one end of the frame to operate a piston on one side of the cylinder. By applying the hand wheel, the piston can open or close the cylinder. When the cylinder is open, only circumferential stress occurs on the cylinder. When the cylinder is closed, both circumferential and axial stresses occur. Strain gauges are of the same gauge factor and the gauges are fixed onto the cylinder at different angles. Each strain gauge is wired to form a full bridge with temperature compensation gauge and zero adjustment in a bridge box with strain gauge indicator.
Instruction manual is also included.
TYPICAL EXPERIMENTS- Measurement of strains and stresses under internal pressures.
- Determination of Young’s modulus a Poisson’s ratio.
- Comparison of theoretical stresses and strains with experimental values.
TECHNICAL DATACylinder – Length 360 mm – Outer diameter 80 mm – Maximum internal pressure 3.5 N/mm2 Pressure gauge 50 kg/cm2. Strain gauges 6 ea. at different angles. Strain indicator 8 channels Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied). Power supply 220V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request. (0 reviews)