Showing 19–27 of 37 results
Hand-Held Digital Oscilloscope
Hand-held Digital Oscilloscope (EB01C) covers eight skills including identifying oscilloscope controls, performing AC voltage calculations, and measuring frequency. The skills-based curriculum presents hands-on activities using industrial-grade test equipment including a hand-held digital oscilloscope.
Order #16-EB01C:
LearnMate® E-learning Content: Hand-held Digital Oscilloscope (EB01C)
Teachers’ Guide
(2) Flexponent‚Ñ¢ panels:
Panel E087: Adjustable Power Supply
Panel E153: AC/DC Circuit
Hand-held Digital Oscilloscope*Requirement (sold separately)
JobMaster® Learning Station Order #10-LS00-0200
Power Control Panel (120V): Order #10-PC04-0000
* International step-down transformer package (Order #10-PC09-0000) required for international applications.
Course Outline
Skills Acquired
Skill 1: Reading the Oscilloscope Screen
Skill 2: Identifying and Using Oscilloscope Controls
Skill 3: Setting Up and Operating the Oscilloscope
Skill 4: Performing AC Voltage Calculations
Skill 5: Measuring AC Voltage and Frequency
Skill 6: Performing DC Voltage Calculations
Skill 7: Measuring DC Voltage
Skill 8: Storing and Recalling Screen DisplaysHardware Specifications
Panel E087: Adjustable Power Supply
Panel type: Single
1 Adjustable power supply, 3-12V @ 2A
Panel E153: AC/DC Circuit
Panel type: Single
1 Transformer, 24v output, 40 VA rating
1 Encapsulated solar cell, 0.45V/200mA
1 Bridge rectifier, 4A, 50PIV
1 Candelabra socket
1 Lightbulb, 24Vs
Hand-held Digital Oscilloscope
5MHz Bandwidth
25MS/s (dual channel); 50MS/s (single channel) max.
sample rate per channel
512 single shot; 256 all other modes record length
Single shot, roll, normal sample mode
50mV max vertical sensitivity
600V DC or AC rms max input voltage
Auto, normal, single trigger modes
Channel A, B, external trigger source
AC, DC trigger coupling
1μS to 5S timebase
1MΩ input impedance
Compact low profile(0 reviews) -
Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Handheld Touch Screen Oscilloscope
The touch screen handheld oscilloscope is a compact and versatile instrument with a built in battery to allow easy portability. The Oscilloscope can be supplied in a range of bandwidths from 70 to 200MHz.
Key Features
- New Unique Design
- LCD Touch Screen Display
- 1GS/s Real Time Sample Rate
- 240kpts Memory Depth
- Bandwidth Ranges 70,100,150 and 200MHz
- 7.4V, 6,000mAh Li-ion built in battery
- USB Connectivity
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Marine, Naval, Hydrodinamic and Oceanograph
Instrument Traverse System
The instrument traverse system is used to move a range of physical modelling instrumentation to a variety of different positions within a flume or basin in either two or three dimensions.
The instruments are secured to the vertical axis of the system, using a variety of fixings. The vertical axis is attached to a carriage which moves along a fixed horizontal beam to allow positioning of the instruments anywhere within the flume or basin. The traverser can be controlled by a software application that logs the exact time-stamped position of the instruments to an accuracy of ±0.5mm in both vertical and horizontal axes. A stepper motor with an integral encoder is used to drive each axis into position along the carriage using a toothed belt arrangement.
Our Instrument Traverse Systems are individually designed for each application. Check the specification tab on the left for a typical specification.
Key features
- Positions a number of instruments within a flume or basin to a repeatable accuracy of ±0.5mm
- Supplied with a PC and software which controls the movement of instruments
- Lightweight, modular system
- All systems are designed to suit the client’s individual requirements for horizontal span and vertical movement
A typical specification would be:
Horizontal beam (x-axis)
- Maximum overall length: 6m
- Maximum travel: 5.8m
- Maximum velocity: 50mm/s
- Positional accuracy: ±0.5mm
Horizontal beam (y-axis)
- Overall length: 4m (dual motors required for lengths >2.0m)
- Travel: 3.8m
- Maximum velocity: 50mm/s
- Positional accuracy: ±0.5mm
Vertical beam (z-axis)
- Travel: 0.6m or 1.2m
- Maximum velocity: 25mm/s
- Positional accuracy: ±0.5mm
- Lifted weight of instruments: 5kg
- Supply voltage: 220V AC or 110V AC
In addition to the standard 2- and 3- axis systems, a second independent carriage can also be added to the horizontal beam.
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Magnetic Levitation System
The Magnetic Levitation System (MLS) is a classic control problem used in many practical applications such as transportation, magnetic levitated trains, using both analogue and digital solutions to maintain a metallic ball in an electromagnetic field. The MLS is a single Degree of Freedom system for teaching of control systems; signal analysis, using real-time control applications such as MATLAB.
The MLS is a nonlinear, open-loop unstable and time varying dynamical system. The basic principle of MLS operation is to apply the voltage to an electromagnet to keep a ferromagnetic object levitated. The object position is determined through a sensor. Additionally the coil current is measured to explore identification and multi loop or nonlinear control strategies.
Key Features
- Nonlinear control
- SISO, MISO, BIBO controllers design
- Closed loop PID control
- Real-Time control
- Frequency analysis
- Intelligent/adaptive control
- System model and identification procedures
- Hardware-in-the-loop
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Modular Servo Workshop
The Modular Servo Workshop (MSW) system has been designed for the study and practical application of basic and advanced control methods. These included typical variable factors such as friction, damping and inertia and a number of position/speed control methods ranging from PID to LQ and time-optimal control. The flexible design of the MLS allows the configuration of a system to be modified to suit user requirements.
The MSW has an integrated environment for the analysis of digital servo control problems and synthesis of control algorithms. The system comprises several hardware units, and software. The DC motor module can be coupled with several other modules by timing belts. A number of linear and nonlinear mechanical modules have been designed to show the influence of backslash, damping, elasticity and friction. The units may be studied individually before completing the system. The linear damping module consists of a paramagnetic disc which runs between the poles of the permanent magnet. The inertia module contains a solid metal roll. The encoder module is used to measure the rotational angle. A steel base plate provides firm fixing to the modules, enabling imitation of block schematic diagrams, however, all electrical connections are performed inside the software.
The system can be classified as multivariable (SIMO) with two measurable states and one control variable.
The MSW operates with a PC based digital controller that communicates with the position sensor and motor by an I/O board. The I/O board is controlled by the real-time software which operates with MATLAB/Simulink. A comprehensive range of experiments may be carried out using Modular Servo and associated software.
Key Features
• Laboratory model of servo system compound with different modules
• Modules to demonstrate: inertia, backslash, damping, elasticity and friction
• Multivariable SIMO
• Rapid prototyping of real-time control algorithms
• Full integration with MATLAB Simulink. Operation in real-time(0 reviews) -
Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Multi Application Board
The Multi Applications Board (MAB) contains a variety of experiments on one board and is ideal for learning how to interface a PC or Microcontroller to applications. The techniques of controlling data transmission, keyboard entry, digital sound production, D.C. motors, heaters, and visual displays can be controlled using a PC with a programming language, the MAB can also be used as target for a microcontroller. This involve the fundamentals of microprocessor or computer programming, such as decision making, D to A and A to D conversion, open and closed loop control, creating delay loops, using subroutines and event counting.
The MAB Primary components are: a 12V d.c. motor, this is used for closed-loop control to drive a fan which cools a heater/resistor to a set temperature. Several other elements are on the MAB these include a Piezo buzzer, TTL monitor, a bank of logic switches, a logic probe power point, a strain gauge and amplifier, a bar-graph and a seven segment display, switched faults and a potentiometer that can be used as an analogue input.
- Switched inputs
- Control of an output port
- Use of the Analogue to Digital Converter
- Use of the temperature sensor
- Digital to Analogue Converter
- Control of the buzzer frequency
- Driving the seven segment display unit
- Keypad scanning
- Pulse Width Modulation control of the DC motor unit
- Closed loop control of the DC motor unit
Key Features
- Building control circuits and PC control programming
- Introduces electronic control techniques
- Control of a D.C. motor, direction control
- Temperature control
- ADC and DAC converters
- Keypad input
- Audible and visual indictors
- Several other projects with varying complexity
- Control from a PC or Microcontroller
- Switched faults
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
PCI Interface Design Trainer
The PCI application is now widely used and has replaced the ISA system. PC-based interfacing and I/O experimentation had been based on the ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) bus, however, the PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus, makes it much more difficult for users to interface their own circuits directly to the PC. The PCIDT rectifies this situation enabling the experiments to be carried out via the PCI bus.
The PCIDT provides a solution for teaching PC-based interfacing to various I/O devices on modern PCs using the PCI bus. Pre-written experiments cover I/O devices from switches and 7-segment displays and A/D and D/A conversion to the optional DC and stepper motors. A complete introduction to PC interfacing covering PC interfaces and how to connect a range of common I/O devices is provides along with twelve experiments, with their program listings in assembly language and C, based on the PCIDT’s pre-wired circuits. Using the exercises in the textbooks and tools, users are able to learn quickly in controlling I/O under Windows through a PCI interface card. Users can develop and learn PCI I/O control, in addition experiments with C or VB language. The system contains two main units: the interface card and the experiment platform. The design ensures that none of the experiments require soldering. The unit is enclosed in a strong and durable case.
Key Features
- Designed for quick and easy learning
- I/O control in Windows/DOS through PCI Interfacing
- Examples in assembly language and C
- PCI bus interface card and cable provided
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Pendulum Control System
The Pendulum Control System, PCS2, is designed for the study of control engineering and theory. The PCS2 consists of a carriage module and analogue control module with a mimic of the system. It can function as a stand-alone analogue system or be interfaced to an external controller such as a PC using a suitable interface card. The PCS2 is supplied with an interface card and PCSDS software. The software includes attempted Linear control, attempted Harmonic control, and Direct Digital Control and Fuzzy Logic control. Students can compare the performance of the different controllers. Connection is through 4mm-shrouded colour coded sockets and to an interface card through the IDC connection.
The PCS2 can be used in two different modes, an inverted pendulum or an overhead crane, each mode presents a control situation that requires a separate approach and solution and an understanding of how feedback systems function. The first mode; control of an inherently unstable system, to balance the pendulum in the inverted position the pivot must be continuously moved to correct the falling pendulum. In the second mode; the carriage module is turned upside down to act as a crane, the pendulum swings into an equilibrium position with the centre of mass below the pivot, control the Linear position of the load, with very oscillatory dynamics.
- Static and dynamic characteristics of the pendulum control system
- Analogue control of an inverted pendulum
- Fuzzy Logic control of the inverted pendulum
- Direct Digital controller design and implementation: inverted pendulum
- Direct Digital controller design and implementation: swinging crane
Key Features
- Control of inherently unstable systems and of systems with very oscillatory dynamics
- Study of control engineering theory
- Stand-alone Analogue control
- Classic control model for Analogue, Direct Digital or Fuzzy Logic control
- Two different modes, an inverted pendulum or overhead crane
- Software with attempted Linear control, attempted Harmonic control, Direct Digital control and Fuzzy Logic control
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Electronics, Control System and Instrumentation
Power Electronics Lab
The Power Electronics Lab is used to perform power electronics circuit experiments. Student studying the characteristics of power electronics devices and the applications of power devices will find this an essential piece of equipment. The applications of power devices are in alarm circuit, lamp flasher, rectifiers, choppers, inverters and also commutation circuits.
- The characteristics of SCR
- The characteristics of UJT
- The characteristics of MOSFET
- The characteristics of IGBT
- The characteristics of DIAC
- The characteristics of TRIAC
- The characteristics of PUT
- The class B commutation circuit
- The class C commutation circuit
- The class D commutation circuit
- The class F commutation circuit
- Resistor triggering circuit
- Resistor-Capacitor triggering circuit (half-wave)
- Resistor-Capacitor triggering circuit (full-wave)
- The SCR triggered by UJT
- The SCR triggered by 555IC
- The SCR triggered by Op-Amp 741IC
- Ramp and pedestal triggering circuit using anti-parallel SCR in AC load
- The UJT relaxation oscillator
- The voltage commutated chopper
- The Bedford inverter
- The single phase PWM inverter using MOSFET and IGBT
- The half-wave controlled rectifier with resistive load
- The full wave controlled rectifier (mid-point) with resistive load
- The fully controlled bridge rectifier with load
Key Features
- Functional blocks indicated with on board mimic
- Pulse generator with frequency and duty cycle control
- Single phase rectifier firing circuit with firing angle control
- Pulse amplifier and isolation transformer
- Breadboard for circuit experimentation
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