Forces in Truss

This equipment allows measurement of axial forces in pin-jointed truss members and compare them with calculated values. It is to be used with ST300 Universal Structural Frame (separately supplied).

The truss consists of 19 members for construction of different cantilevered trusses where loading can be applied at any of the bottom joints by a load hanger and weights. An indicator measures truss deflection. The joints are designed to simulate pin-joints. Each truss member has a strain gauge. Each gauge is wired to form a full bridge with temperature compensation and zero adjustment in the strain indicator. A steady bar with three adjustable forks is provided to ensure lateral stability.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Study of Bow’s Notation, strains, stresses, forces and deflections in various frameworks
  • Force analysis by Method of Joints
  • Force analysis by the use of the strain energy method.
Member approximate cross-section 30 mm2
Members with strain gauge bridge for 4 common trusses 13
ST341-001 Force/Strain Indicator 1
Load hanger 1
Weights 1 lot.
ST131A Dial Indicator 1
Software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied).
Power supply 220 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. or as required
In Stock
100% Original and quality

Additional information

